Monday, November 16, 2015

The Aces

I have learned the Suit Keys and followed the meditation exercises for a week and I can tune into the feeling of the suits for all 40 cards randomly.
This must be completed before moving on. If you haven't done this yet, click here to go to the Suit Key exercises.

The Aces

The Aces are the "essence" of the suit keys. They contain all facets of the suit.
Take all 4 Aces out of your deck and place them in front of you. Run your hands over them really feeling the vibrations of their SUIT KEYS

Feel the change in energy and emotions ans your fingertips tune into the "esoteric" vibrations of the cards.

They are the beginning... the seen or unseen, known or unknown, good or bad.
You might have heard the term "your path or journey" when discussing the tarot. The ACES are the BEGINNING of that path or journey.

Learning the Aces, I will use a similar meditation exercise to the one when learning the suit keys.

I have made a routine of spending some quiet time on theses exercises just before bedtime. I feel it allows my subconscious to "mull over" all the info while I'm sleeping. However you can choose any other time that works for you. Set aside some time (30 minutes to 1 hour) to relax and really concentrate on your cards.
  • Pick up the Ace of Wands, look at the picture and symbols, bring it up to your Inner Eye
  • Hold the card to your Minds Eye and say "BEGINNING of ENTERPRISE AND DISTINCTION"
  • Repeat this phrase and concentrate on the words until you feel your conscious mind has absorbed it.
  • Still holding this thought and feeling of "BEGINNING of ENTERPRISE AND DISTINCTION", bring the card to your Solar Plexus and let the energy of the Wand's Suite Key flow through you.
  • After a few minutes relax and put down the Ace of Wands.
  • Clear your mind and repeat these steps with the other 3 aces, using the corresponding Suit Key and energy.

Reminder from our previous lesson:


These exercises are meant to help develop intuition, and "Higher Consciousness". They are not to merely memorize the cards. And you should give it your complete concentration.

Side Note: When we give a project our full attention and concentration, something really interesting happens. Our subconscious mind picks up and records tons of information and details that our conscious mind isn't aware of. On any given day we have "a million things to do" and our conscious mind is thinking about schedules, deadlines, tasks, problems... When we emerge ourselves in projects or task that are essential to our physical, mental, and spiritual well being, our subconscious mind releases that information that we need, exactly when we need it, to get the project done in the best way for the greater good of all.

The ACES are THE BEGINNING of the SUIT KEYS and the BEGINNING of the SEED PATTERNS of the Tarot.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Suit Keys

The Minor Arcana are the Suite Cards of the Tarot - Wands, Cups, Swords, Pentacles.
Suit Keys are the general aspects of what each suit represents as a whole.
Previously, we broke our Tarot Deck into 6 piles.
  • 22 Major Arcana
  • the Court Cards of all Suits
  • Ace -10 of Wands
  • Ace -10 of Cups,
  • Ace -10 of Swords,
  • Ace -10 of Pentacles
For now, I am only using the last 4 piles – Ace through 10 of all four suits.
Each suit corresponds to:
  • a season (three months)
  • an astrological sign
  • a magical element
  • a cardinal point
  • a playing card suit
  • classes of people
  • activity
  • function
  • (other categories)
Suit Keys are what each suit represents as a whole.
For example: The suit of Wands (Clubs in playing cards) corresponds to:
The sign of Taurus, the element of Fire, the direction South, a Masculine Active force, the Intellectual person, Intuition, and substantiality.
So, a divination spread that contained a majority of Wand cards would generally indicate a situation involving enterprise (business) and distinction (honor, and recognition.)
**Full chart for each suit to come
The easiest way to commit these SUIT KEYS to memory is repetition.
Tips to help learn these SUIT KEYS
  • Practice taking cards from each suit and concentrating only on the appropriate SUIT KEY.
  • Try sensing the vibration surrounding the cards.
  • Take a few minutes each day to meditate on the associations until it automatically comes to mind when you see or think about that suit.
  • Pick up each suit, close your eyes and imagine experiencing Enterprise & Distinction, Love & Happiness, Struggle & Animosity, Money Matters… like an actor preparing for a role. Repeat for each suit.
  • Lay all 4 suits out and pick up cards at random. Each time saying the SUIT KEYS out loud, and feeling there influence in your mind. Handling the cards while concentrating will help.
The appropriate SUIT KEY response should come automatically after doing this for a few days. Don’t rush – FEEL the vibrations of each suit – this practice will combine sensitivity with memory, building up and developing intuitive abilities.

Minor Arcana Suit Cards

This is where my journey with the sacred Tarot begins.
The Tarot deck most commonly used today is actually two decks combined. The Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana are 22 cards, numbered from 0 (The Fool) to 21 (The World).
Many books that teach reading the Tarot cards tend to start with the Major Arcana. But, I am following the advice of Eileen Connolly, who is considered by many to be the leading authority on learning to interpret the cards.
I am starting with the Minor Arcana.
They are the suit cards. Wands, Cups, Swords, Pentacles.
Like modern playing cards, the Minor Arcana has 4 suits numbered 1 (Ace) to 10. Each suit also has 4 court cards – Page, Knight, Queen, King. (Over the years, the Page and Knight were merged into the Jack that is used in a deck of playing cards.)
Note: Sometimes the suit of Pentacles is called Coins and the suit of Wands is called Rods depending on the deck and who you are learning from.
I own 4 decks and never actually learned to read them, only to lay them out an refer back to the tiny little booklet that came with them. After more than a decade of getting my first deck, I begin my journey to learn the Sacred Teachings of the Tarot Cards. So, here we are!
I am familiar with the deck, the Major and Minor Arcana, and the suits. So, get to know your deck, and lets learn the Suit Keys.